Principal component analysis

## Attaching package: 'MASS'
## The following object is masked _by_ '.GlobalEnv':
##     genotype
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     select
##  [1] "ID"    "V1"    "V2"    "V3"    "V4"    "V5"    "V6"    "V7"    "V8"   
## [10] "V9"    "class"
predictors <- biopsy[complete.cases(biopsy),2:10]
fit <- prcomp(predictors, scale=TRUE)
## Importance of components:
##                           PC1     PC2     PC3     PC4     PC5     PC6     PC7
## Standard deviation     2.4289 0.88088 0.73434 0.67796 0.61667 0.54943 0.54259
## Proportion of Variance 0.6555 0.08622 0.05992 0.05107 0.04225 0.03354 0.03271
## Cumulative Proportion  0.6555 0.74172 0.80163 0.85270 0.89496 0.92850 0.96121
##                            PC8     PC9
## Standard deviation     0.51062 0.29729
## Proportion of Variance 0.02897 0.00982
## Cumulative Proportion  0.99018 1.00000
## Standard deviations (1, .., p=9):
## [1] 2.4288885 0.8808785 0.7343380 0.6779583 0.6166651 0.5494328 0.5425889
## [8] 0.5106230 0.2972932
## Rotation (n x k) = (9 x 9):
##           PC1         PC2          PC3         PC4         PC5         PC6
## V1 -0.3020626 -0.14080053  0.866372452 -0.10782844  0.08032124 -0.24251752
## V2 -0.3807930 -0.04664031 -0.019937801  0.20425540 -0.14565287 -0.13903168
## V3 -0.3775825 -0.08242247  0.033510871  0.17586560 -0.10839155 -0.07452713
## V4 -0.3327236 -0.05209438 -0.412647341 -0.49317257 -0.01956898 -0.65462877
## V5 -0.3362340  0.16440439 -0.087742529  0.42738358 -0.63669325  0.06930891
## V6 -0.3350675 -0.26126062  0.000691478 -0.49861767 -0.12477294  0.60922054
## V7 -0.3457474 -0.22807676 -0.213071845 -0.01304734  0.22766572  0.29889733
## V8 -0.3355914  0.03396582 -0.134248356  0.41711347  0.69021015  0.02151820
## V9 -0.2302064  0.90555729  0.080492170 -0.25898781  0.10504168  0.14834515
##             PC7         PC8          PC9
## V1 -0.008515668  0.24770729 -0.002747438
## V2 -0.205434260 -0.43629981 -0.733210938
## V3 -0.127209198 -0.58272674  0.667480798
## V4  0.123830400  0.16343403  0.046019211
## V5  0.211018210  0.45866910  0.066890623
## V6  0.402790095 -0.12665288 -0.076510293
## V7 -0.700417365  0.38371888  0.062241047
## V8  0.459782742  0.07401187 -0.022078692
## V9 -0.132116994 -0.05353693  0.007496101
  1. The rotation element is the interesting part.

  2. (and 3 + 4)



Only one real PC needed (from the elbow plot). The biplot shows that one variable drives PC2 while all of them have essentially the same effect on PC1. Not surprising as they are all more and more critical indicators of tumor features.

  1. Fitting using a formula model
fit2 <- prcomp(~ V1 + V2 + V3 + V3 + V5 + V6 + V7 + V8 + V9, 
              data=biopsy, na.action=na.omit)
## Standard deviations (1, .., p=8):
## [1] 6.6345189 2.2569305 1.9812100 1.7451112 1.5710111 1.3594598 1.2715023
## [8] 0.9005915
## Rotation (n x k) = (8 x 8):
##           PC1         PC2         PC3         PC4          PC5         PC6
## V1 -0.3194268 -0.13885620  0.89523893 -0.25820349  0.021137857 -0.06694118
## V2 -0.4275683  0.22005419  0.01477139  0.41705715  0.153190217  0.17695828
## V3 -0.4170323  0.14900878  0.02785863  0.34835321  0.170043819  0.35841990
## V5 -0.2647245  0.19630122 -0.04734659  0.28691795 -0.350880265 -0.11400388
## V6 -0.4666288 -0.78704975 -0.31061644 -0.11865052 -0.191330240  0.11380645
## V7 -0.3073916  0.01185556 -0.16645553  0.02347393  0.442226055 -0.81713868
## V8 -0.3766912  0.46400242 -0.26454671 -0.73342853  0.009163472  0.17981165
## V9 -0.1304935  0.19149731  0.03370874  0.05635642 -0.769284716 -0.33127507
##             PC7         PC8
## V1 -0.074256263  0.01103329
## V2  0.146717851  0.71992991
## V3  0.265037584 -0.67389149
## V5 -0.810922404 -0.11451718
## V6 -0.002565307  0.05180715
## V7  0.059128314 -0.10166461
## V8 -0.041837704  0.02713857
## V9  0.489761862 -0.02406411
##           V1        V2        V3        V4        V5        V6        V7
## V1 1.0000000 0.6424815 0.6534700 0.4878287 0.5235960 0.5930914 0.5537424
## V2 0.6424815 1.0000000 0.9072282 0.7069770 0.7535440 0.6917088 0.7555592
## V3 0.6534700 0.9072282 1.0000000 0.6859481 0.7224624 0.7138775 0.7353435
## V4 0.4878287 0.7069770 0.6859481 1.0000000 0.5945478 0.6706483 0.6685671
## V5 0.5235960 0.7535440 0.7224624 0.5945478 1.0000000 0.5857161 0.6181279
## V6 0.5930914 0.6917088 0.7138775 0.6706483 0.5857161 1.0000000 0.6806149
## V7 0.5537424 0.7555592 0.7353435 0.6685671 0.6181279 0.6806149 1.0000000
## V8 0.5340659 0.7193460 0.7179634 0.6031211 0.6289264 0.5842802 0.6656015
## V9 0.3509572 0.4607547 0.4412576 0.4188983 0.4805833 0.3392104 0.3460109
##           V8        V9
## V1 0.5340659 0.3509572
## V2 0.7193460 0.4607547
## V3 0.7179634 0.4412576
## V4 0.6031211 0.4188983
## V5 0.6289264 0.4805833
## V6 0.5842802 0.3392104
## V7 0.6656015 0.3460109
## V8 1.0000000 0.4337573
## V9 0.4337573 1.0000000

Principal component regression

We already computed the PCs above so we can just use those. The computed values can either be extracted as the x element or by using the predict() function.

  1. The outcome is binary so we will use a logistic regression model. Trying with the first four PCs.

    y <- biopsy$class[complete.cases(biopsy)]
    pcr <- glm(y ~ fit$x[,1] + fit$x[,2] + fit$x[,3] + fit$x[,4],
    ## Call:
    ## glm(formula = y ~ fit$x[, 1] + fit$x[, 2] + fit$x[, 3] + fit$x[, 
    ##     4], family = binomial)
    ## Deviance Residuals: 
    ##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
    ## -3.1791  -0.1304  -0.0619   0.0228   2.4799  
    ## Coefficients:
    ##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    ## (Intercept)  -1.0739     0.3035  -3.539 0.000402 ***
    ## fit$x[, 1]   -2.4140     0.2556  -9.445  < 2e-16 ***
    ## fit$x[, 2]   -0.1592     0.5050  -0.315 0.752540    
    ## fit$x[, 3]    0.7191     0.3273   2.197 0.028032 *  
    ## fit$x[, 4]   -0.9151     0.3691  -2.479 0.013159 *  
    ## ---
    ## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    ## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
    ##     Null deviance: 884.35  on 682  degrees of freedom
    ## Residual deviance: 106.12  on 678  degrees of freedom
    ## AIC: 116.12
    ## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8
  2. PC 1 provides a lot of info about the outcome, and the coefficient is negative which means that at increase for the PC value will lower the odds of a malignant outcome. However, recall that the rotation matrix for the first principal component only had negative weights so when that is combined we get that an increase in any predictor will result in an increase in log odds of a malignant tumor.
    We also see that even though the PCs are ranked from highest variation to lowest variation their p-values are not necessarily ranked in the same order.

  3. Primarily prediction as the components are difficult to interpret.

  4. pcr2 <- glm(y ~ fit$x[,1] + fit$x[,2],
    ## Call:
    ## glm(formula = y ~ fit$x[, 1] + fit$x[, 2], family = binomial)
    ## Deviance Residuals: 
    ##      Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
    ## -3.05575  -0.13442  -0.09243   0.02699   2.76606  
    ## Coefficients:
    ##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    ## (Intercept)  -0.9436     0.2636  -3.579 0.000345 ***
    ## fit$x[, 1]   -2.3060     0.2197 -10.496  < 2e-16 ***
    ## fit$x[, 2]   -0.1815     0.3225  -0.563 0.573455    
    ## ---
    ## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    ## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
    ##     Null deviance: 884.35  on 682  degrees of freedom
    ## Residual deviance: 119.37  on 680  degrees of freedom
    ## AIC: 125.37
    ## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8

    We see that there is hardly any difference for the predictors. The reason why the predictors are not completely identical to the fit above where we had 4 predictors is because of the non-identity link function.

  5. We will need to see how the predictability improves with number of components.

GWAS analysis

First we get the data

options(timeout = 5*60)
  1. The number of columns in the genotype dataframe shows the number of SNPs available.
## [1]  1324 32019
  1. If we had just a single SNP available we would start by doing a multiple linear regression analysis since the phenotype outcome (BMI) is quantitative. That would also allow us to adjust for the other variables that are available in the phenotypes dataframe.

  2. For example (just using the 1st column in genotypes) as my one SNP:

m1 <- lm(BMI ~ genotypes[,1] + gender + age, data=phenotypes) 
## Call:
## lm(formula = BMI ~ genotypes[, 1] + gender + age, data = phenotypes)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -3.2233 -0.7367  0.0005  0.7372  3.5467 
## Coefficients:
##                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)    22.393689   0.163467 136.992  < 2e-16 ***
## genotypes[, 1] -0.182344   0.066560  -2.740  0.00624 ** 
## genderMale      1.148445   0.058668  19.575  < 2e-16 ***
## age             0.002363   0.005983   0.395  0.69295    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.067 on 1320 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.228,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.2262 
## F-statistic: 129.9 on 3 and 1320 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
  1. In the following we are discarding age and gender since the function we will be using only takes a single matrix of predictors. We could include their effects indirectly by subtracting their respective (estimated) effects from BMI and analysing the residuals as outcomes instead.

    full <- mfastLmCpp(phenotypes$BMI, genotypes)
  2. For the Manhattan plot we use that the 3rd column in full is the t test statistic and we know there are 1324 rows.

    logpvals <- -log10(2*pt(-abs(full[,3]), df=1324-2)) 
    plot(logpvals, col=(seq(32019)>11283)+1)

  3. Now running lasso

    l1 <- glmnet(genotypes, phenotypes$BMI)
    l12 <- cv.glmnet(genotypes, phenotypes$BMI) # Get the lambda parameter

    We can check if the predictors selected are the same for the two methods.

    estcoefs <- coef(l1, s=l12$lambda.1se)
    pick <- rownames(estcoefs)[as.numeric(estcoefs) != 0]  # Remove the intercept
    ## [1] "(Intercept)" "V802"        "V2551"       "V4093"       "V4624"      
    ## [6] "V4683"       "V21163"      "V31141"

    The previous analysis produced this set

    seq(NROW(full))[logpvals > -log10(0.05/NCOL(genotypes))]
    ## [1] 21163 31141
  4. Same as above with alpha parameter set.

  5. For computing the genomic controls we find the median of the \(p\)-values

    ## [1] 0.4544575

    Since this number is klower than the default level of 0.456 there is no need for correcting for genomic controls.

Population admixture

  1. Because hidden population admixture may act as a confounder between allele frequencies and the outcome and may mask the true relationship.

  2. Using the onlinePCA package for fast computation of the first principal components.

    ## Loading required package: RSpectra
    admixturepca <- batchpca(genotypes, q=1)

    Let’s extract the effect of the PC

    am1 <- lm(phenotypes$BMI ~ admixturepca$vectors)
    ##          (Intercept) admixturepca$vectors 
    ##             25.68605             98.24532
    ## Call:
    ## lm(formula = phenotypes$BMI ~ admixturepca$vectors)
    ## Residuals:
    ##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
    ## -3.7503 -0.8594  0.0103  0.8569  4.1692 
    ## Coefficients:
    ##                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    ## (Intercept)            25.686      3.672   6.996 4.18e-12 ***
    ## admixturepca$vectors   98.245    133.599   0.735    0.462    
    ## ---
    ## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    ## Residual standard error: 1.213 on 1322 degrees of freedom
    ## Multiple R-squared:  0.0004089,  Adjusted R-squared:  -0.0003472 
    ## F-statistic: 0.5408 on 1 and 1322 DF,  p-value: 0.4622
    adjustedBMI <- phenotypes$BMI-coef(am1)[2]*admixturepca$vectors  # Subtracting the effect
    full2 <- mfastLmCpp(adjustedBMI, genotypes)
    logpvals <- -log10(2*pt(-abs(full2[,3]), df=1324-3)) 
    plot(logpvals, col=(seq(32019)>11283)+1)

  3. If at all possible we should use SNPs that are not our primary SNPs of interest.


  1. The minor allele frequencies are

    MAF <- colMeans(genotypes)/2 # Minor allele frequencies
    MAF[MAF>.5] <- 1-MAF[MAF>.5]
  2. Compute the SDs for each column

    sds <- sqrt(2*MAF*(1-MAF))
  3. Running the code

    W <- t((t(genotypes) - 2*MAF)/sqrt(2*MAF*(1-MAF)))
    y <- phenotypes$BMI
    N <- length(y)
    A <- tcrossprod(W) / ncol(genotypes)
    ## Loading required package: survival
    ## Loading required package: bdsmatrix
    ## Attaching package: 'bdsmatrix'
    ## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
    ##     backsolve
    id <- 1:N
    res <- lmekin(y ~ 1 + (1|id), varlist=list(id=A))
    ## Linear mixed-effects kinship model fit by maximum likelihood
    ##   Data: NULL 
    ##   Log-likelihood = -2133.487 
    ##   n= 1324 
    ## Model:  y ~ 1 + (1 | id) 
    ## Fixed coefficients
    ##                Value  Std Error      z p
    ## (Intercept) 22.98614 0.03063669 750.28 0
    ## Random effects
    ##  Group Variable Std Dev   Variance 
    ##  id    id       0.4770917 0.2276165
    ## Residual error= 1.114754
  4. We are computing the SNP heritability. The A matrix contains the correlation structure derived from the SNPs.

  5. The SNP heritability is

    0.2276165 / (0.2276165 + 1.114715^2)
    ## [1] 0.1548195


pick <- 791:810
p.cor <- cor(genotypes[,pick])
##               [,1]         [,2]         [,3]          [,4]         [,5]
##  [1,]  1.000000000 -0.012669801 -0.048396339  4.370489e-02  0.032610592
##  [2,] -0.012669801  1.000000000  0.009076470  6.367929e-02  0.006451871
##  [3,] -0.048396339  0.009076470  1.000000000  1.990846e-03 -0.009414619
##  [4,]  0.043704888  0.063679292  0.001990846  1.000000e+00  0.021740447
##  [5,]  0.032610592  0.006451871 -0.009414619  2.174045e-02  1.000000000
##  [6,]  0.014852508 -0.006774466  0.026906778 -2.267627e-02 -0.012128030
##  [7,]  0.020488031  0.004057904  0.001195557  3.757981e-03 -0.024954324
##  [8,]  0.031114192 -0.033951167 -0.001505205 -2.580557e-02 -0.055412127
##  [9,]  0.005569970 -0.019096029  0.040142955 -9.999918e-03  0.005434349
## [10,]  0.029969416  0.013594396  0.029471316 -1.600414e-02  0.069466388
## [11,]  0.016083105 -0.017543667  0.034330641  3.548986e-02  0.018649033
## [12,]  0.022026977  0.033646352 -0.020784142  1.133123e-02  0.008320726
## [13,] -0.031168491  0.019540373  0.027955360  5.953349e-02  0.032280868
## [14,]  0.009883652  0.013219369  0.008875035 -1.806378e-03  0.014885166
## [15,] -0.033923864  0.005761538 -0.001628895  7.373480e-03 -0.031941876
## [16,] -0.021362275  0.029971076  0.017698330 -7.970986e-03 -0.008556213
## [17,] -0.031674426 -0.007735149  0.017223823 -1.171268e-02 -0.003185612
## [18,] -0.043510060 -0.001906256  0.002638056 -3.199698e-02  0.025748241
## [19,]  0.004365961  0.021260386 -0.023098832  2.217117e-02  0.024520975
## [20,] -0.003384732 -0.003379811  0.016764175  1.240761e-05 -0.022672361
##               [,6]         [,7]         [,8]         [,9]        [,10]
##  [1,]  0.014852508  0.020488031  0.031114192  0.005569970  0.029969416
##  [2,] -0.006774466  0.004057904 -0.033951167 -0.019096029  0.013594396
##  [3,]  0.026906778  0.001195557 -0.001505205  0.040142955  0.029471316
##  [4,] -0.022676274  0.003757981 -0.025805572 -0.009999918 -0.016004142
##  [5,] -0.012128030 -0.024954324 -0.055412127  0.005434349  0.069466388
##  [6,]  1.000000000 -0.009209339 -0.002980107  0.001919025 -0.039495777
##  [7,] -0.009209339  1.000000000  0.184684950  0.125033108  0.200841299
##  [8,] -0.002980107  0.184684950  1.000000000  0.182352384  0.248065311
##  [9,]  0.001919025  0.125033108  0.182352384  1.000000000  0.197987411
## [10,] -0.039495777  0.200841299  0.248065311  0.197987411  1.000000000
## [11,]  0.052129891  0.098559134  0.177560389  0.077129174  0.173679275
## [12,] -0.004151115  0.313348052  0.480591392  0.289747633  0.563915687
## [13,] -0.022597884  0.103736946  0.164538357  0.044536789  0.163469497
## [14,]  0.022654566  0.111493202  0.128216289  0.082938269  0.179095036
## [15,]  0.034796899  0.162604344  0.245357249  0.141665912  0.289854195
## [16,]  0.007477150  0.061227557  0.139044339  0.053129858  0.156760885
## [17,] -0.026413678  0.183071512  0.179466362  0.129050005  0.221617346
## [18,] -0.012594110 -0.001209319 -0.039820649 -0.029573594  0.014785367
## [19,] -0.035070434  0.003129502 -0.013357642 -0.026508145 -0.004121673
## [20,] -0.005206238  0.022172940  0.001500433 -0.019341256 -0.029487753
##              [,11]        [,12]       [,13]        [,14]        [,15]
##  [1,]  0.016083105  0.022026977 -0.03116849  0.009883652 -0.033923864
##  [2,] -0.017543667  0.033646352  0.01954037  0.013219369  0.005761538
##  [3,]  0.034330641 -0.020784142  0.02795536  0.008875035 -0.001628895
##  [4,]  0.035489864  0.011331228  0.05953349 -0.001806378  0.007373480
##  [5,]  0.018649033  0.008320726  0.03228087  0.014885166 -0.031941876
##  [6,]  0.052129891 -0.004151115 -0.02259788  0.022654566  0.034796899
##  [7,]  0.098559134  0.313348052  0.10373695  0.111493202  0.162604344
##  [8,]  0.177560389  0.480591392  0.16453836  0.128216289  0.245357249
##  [9,]  0.077129174  0.289747633  0.04453679  0.082938269  0.141665912
## [10,]  0.173679275  0.563915687  0.16346950  0.179095036  0.289854195
## [11,]  1.000000000  0.351410659  0.15601727  0.081090594  0.208183515
## [12,]  0.351410659  1.000000000  0.30305809  0.312783793  0.499459848
## [13,]  0.156017266  0.303058093  1.00000000  0.083721672  0.177005709
## [14,]  0.081090594  0.312783793  0.08372167  1.000000000  0.183558250
## [15,]  0.208183515  0.499459848  0.17700571  0.183558250  1.000000000
## [16,]  0.059870362  0.244830350  0.04873371  0.080799784  0.130202752
## [17,]  0.116762097  0.388851186  0.09872636  0.137842185  0.179302359
## [18,] -0.028608050  0.005914917 -0.04950697  0.022330622 -0.016048450
## [19,] -0.004382413 -0.016199626 -0.01830547 -0.002094196 -0.018029261
## [20,]  0.035848085 -0.007354626  0.02443749 -0.009528773 -0.034465146
##              [,16]        [,17]        [,18]        [,19]         [,20]
##  [1,] -0.021362275 -0.031674426 -0.043510060  0.004365961 -3.384732e-03
##  [2,]  0.029971076 -0.007735149 -0.001906256  0.021260386 -3.379811e-03
##  [3,]  0.017698330  0.017223823  0.002638056 -0.023098832  1.676418e-02
##  [4,] -0.007970986 -0.011712681 -0.031996978  0.022171167  1.240761e-05
##  [5,] -0.008556213 -0.003185612  0.025748241  0.024520975 -2.267236e-02
##  [6,]  0.007477150 -0.026413678 -0.012594110 -0.035070434 -5.206238e-03
##  [7,]  0.061227557  0.183071512 -0.001209319  0.003129502  2.217294e-02
##  [8,]  0.139044339  0.179466362 -0.039820649 -0.013357642  1.500433e-03
##  [9,]  0.053129858  0.129050005 -0.029573594 -0.026508145 -1.934126e-02
## [10,]  0.156760885  0.221617346  0.014785367 -0.004121673 -2.948775e-02
## [11,]  0.059870362  0.116762097 -0.028608050 -0.004382413  3.584809e-02
## [12,]  0.244830350  0.388851186  0.005914917 -0.016199626 -7.354626e-03
## [13,]  0.048733707  0.098726363 -0.049506973 -0.018305466  2.443749e-02
## [14,]  0.080799784  0.137842185  0.022330622 -0.002094196 -9.528773e-03
## [15,]  0.130202752  0.179302359 -0.016048450 -0.018029261 -3.446515e-02
## [16,]  1.000000000  0.093936474  0.035813752 -0.036423989 -5.274574e-02
## [17,]  0.093936474  1.000000000  0.024919247  0.005618310  2.956952e-03
## [18,]  0.035813752  0.024919247  1.000000000 -0.041379204 -4.839268e-02
## [19,] -0.036423989  0.005618310 -0.041379204  1.000000000  5.509289e-03
## [20,] -0.052745737  0.002956952 -0.048392675  0.005509289  1.000000e+00
sapply(791:810, function(i) { dcor(genotypes[,802], genotypes[,i])})
##  [1] 0.018188657 0.028086472 0.016514448 0.020326953 0.019355364 0.004539388
##  [7] 0.342693860 0.478482932 0.335991847 0.563204196 0.361703514 1.000000000
## [13] 0.361223935 0.359625881 0.514324052 0.296790709 0.408933458 0.023455655
## [19] 0.015190565 0.009542506
dcor(genotypes[,802], phenotypes$BMI)
## [1] 0.1304523
dcorT.test(genotypes[,802], phenotypes$BMI)
##  dcor t-test of independence for high dimension
## data:  genotypes[, 802] and phenotypes$BMI
## T = 14.709, df = 874501, p-value < 2.2e-16
## sample estimates:
## Bias corrected dcor 
##           0.0157272
head(microbiome, 50)

z1 <- zeroinfl(round(value) ~ condition + gender + age,
               subset=(otu==1), data=microbiome)

z2 <- zeroinfl(round(value) ~ condition + gender + age, 
                   subset=(otu==1), data=microbiome)

z3 <- zeroinfl(round(value) ~ condition + gender + age |
               subset=(otu==1), data=microbiome)

Claus Ekstrøm 2023