class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lessons learned from predicting the 2018 FIFA World Cup results ### Claus Thorn Ekstrøm
UCPH Biostatistics
] ### November 12th, 2018
.small[Slides @
] --- class: middle # Denmark vs Germany <!-- --> --- background-image: url(pics/danishfan.jpg) background-size: 100% ??? Norsk Regnesentral. Norwegian computing center. Ville kopiere Startede med EM 2012 --- # Predicting the world cup "Simple" job 1. Create function to model/predict a single match 2. Run through tournament `\(B\)` times 3. Get the predictions from the results --- # Modeling a single match ELO ratings. Two teams `\(A\)` and `\(B\)` with (external) ratings. `$$P(\text{Team } A \text{ wins}) = \frac{1}{(1 + 10^{(\text{elo}_B - \text{elo}_A)/400})}$$` ```r prob <- 1/(1 + 10^((elo[team2] - elo[team1])/400)) Awon <- rbinom(1, size=1, prob=prob) ``` After match: update ELO scores. --- # Modeling a single match Goals scored by each team simulated from two Poisson distributions. * Team A goals: `\(\sim \text{Poiss}(\lambda_A)\)` * Team B goals: `\(\sim \text{Poiss}(\lambda_B)\)` Restrict `\(\lambda_A\)` and `\(\lambda_B\)` to use skill levels and make results realistic. ```r Agoals <- rpois(1, lambdaA) Bgoals <- rpois(1, normalgoals-lambdaA) ``` --- background-image: url(pics/itwores.png) background-size: 93% ??? When is a prediction good? --- class: inverse, center, middle # What makes a good prediction? --- background-image: url(pics/bet365.png) background-size: 100% --- ## Evaluating a prediction .pull-left[ * Take **all** predictions into account. Not just the winner. * Penalize **confident** classifications that are **incorrect**. ] .pull-right[ Prediction: 32 x 32 matrix .footnotesize[ ``` [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 [2,] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 [3,] 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.07 [4,] 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.08 ``` Rows = ranks, columns = countries ] ] > *"It’s better to be somewhat wrong than emphatically wrong. > Of course it’s always better to be right"* --- # Log-loss Heavily penalises confident classifications that are incorrect. `$$-\sum_\text{ranking}\sum_\text{country}\unicode{x1D7D9}(\text{country c has rank r})\log(\hat{p_{rc}})$$` -- **Problems** * It *feels* most important to correctly rank the top * No proper ordering for all but ranks 1-4 * No representative data when match over. And then `\(N=1\)`. --- # Weighted log-loss To put more emphasis on the top positions add weights, `\(w_r\)` `$$-\sum_\text{ranking}\sum_\text{country}w_r\cdot\unicode{x1D7D9}(\text{country c has rank r})\log(\hat{p_{rc}})$$` **Weights:** * 1 for ranks 1, 2 * 1/2 for ranks 3,4 * 1/4 for ranks 5-8 * ... --- # Missing ranks We are missing ranks for all but the first 4. **Solution** Collapse probabilities into **7** rank groups: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-8, 9-16, 17-32. --- class: inverse, center, middle # Competition results --- background-image: url(pics/github.png) background-size: 100% --- <!-- --> --- class: middle, center # Results | | log.loss| |:------------------------------------|--------:| |Groll, Ley, Schauberger, VanEetvelde | -11.69| |Ekstrom (Skellam) | -11.72| |Ekstrom (ELO) | -13.48| |Random guessing | -14.56| --- class: inverse, center, middle # How can we improve the predictions? --- # Ensemble predictions > *"This is how you win ML competitions: you take other peoples’ work and ensemble them together.” - Vitaly Kuznetsov* -- | | log.loss| |:------------------------------------|--------:| |Groll, Ley, Schauberger, VanEetvelde | -11.69| |Ekstrom (Skellam) | -11.72| |Ekstrom (ELO) | -13.48| |Random guessing | -14.56| |Average GLSV/Ekstrom (Skellam) | -11.50| --- # Bayseian model averaging * Use priors for each model, e.g., Schwarz' approximation `$$P(M_j|Y) \approx \exp(-\frac12 \text{BIC}(M_j))$$` then `$$w(M_j) = \frac{\exp(-\frac12 \text{BIC}(M_j))}{\sum_{k=1}^K\exp(-\frac12 \text{BIC}(M_k))}$$` ??? Requires old data .... Bayesian model --- # Choice of loss function What should the choice of loss function be? * Which extremes are we after? * Should be convex and proper scoring function What should the weights be? * Which part of the ranks are important? * Should ensure proper scoring function ??? Convexity required for Jensen's inequality --- # Improved modeling of single matches * Simple: Odds, ELO rankings, skills, ... Typical models: bivariate, non-negative discrete Poisson / negative binomial. Look at **differences** How to include predictors? How to fit their effects? Instead ordinal outcome? L-T-W Something else? ??? Correlation disappears. May be needed for ties, but not strictly necessary --- # Improved modeling of single matches Drop parametric models and use other approaches: * Random forest * Neural networks (deep learning) Primary interest: **prediction**. Less requirements on specific modeling. How can we get data to train the models? Model effect of players on teams? --- # Resources * [International football results from 1872 to 2018]( * [European Soccer Database]( * [World Soccer - archive of soccer results and odds]( * [Historic ELO ratings]( --- # Summary Lots of interesting **statistical problems** to address. Lots of interesting **decisions** to be made. Create a computational framework for easy testing that makes 1. comparisons easy 2. possible to focus on the problems 3. fast Lots of possibilities for interesting **collaborations**