class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # For whom M L rolls? ## Sense and feasibility ### Claus Thorn Ekstrøm
UCPH Biostatistics
] ### DES, May 20th 2021
--- class: animated, fadeIn layout: true --- class: middle, center, inverse # Sorry! --- class: middle, center # Can Machine Learning Assist Epidemiologists in Drawing Causal Inference? ??? Yes What is the special role of ML? Hype What is ML How can it help us - and what is ML anyway How? How not? Pitfalls --- background-image: url(pics/stat-ml-ai.jpeg) background-size: 55% .caption-right-vertical[Comic by sandserif] --- background-image: url(pics/coffee.png) background-size: 88% .caption-right-vertical[NY Times Magazine, March 24th, 2021] --- # Excerpt from NC on Health Research Ethics **Protocol**: *The full dataset will be .yellow[analyzed using supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods] to identify associations and patterns in radiological diagnoses that traditional statistical models cannot identify.* *These associations can be used to explain combinations of factors, where patients are potentially unnecessesary scanned.* -- *It is not possible to make a power calculation for this study since there are more factors in play when research is done with machine learning algorithms.* ??? The lack of detail on methods --- # Proponents The .yellow[magic] of ML methods: .pull-left[ * Allow the data to speak for themselves * Better * More flexible * Have fewer assumptions ] -- .pull-right[ * Random forest * .red[Neural networks] * Penalized regression * Gradient boosting * Logistic regression * Algorithms] -- But what about causality? ??? Also ... loss function. Optimization ... --- # Causal Inference and Directed Acyclic Graphs
Read causal relationships. Can we identify causal effects? Confounders, colliders, conditional independence. Assumptions untestable. *"Let the DAG be given ..."* ??? DAG What are the links? Functional relationships Conditional independencies Relationships Causal assumptions Selection bias - dimension reduction Algorithm for determining whether or not the causal effect of A on Y given Z can be identified from the complete records --- # "Let the data speak ..." .pull-left[ * Massive data * "Hunt for patterns"
Confounders, colliders, ... ] -- .pull-right[ **Danish registry data** * What variables to include? * Time? Non-equidistant measures. *How long since I last visited my GP?* ] --- # ML is more flexible .left-column[ Yes - by choice. Could achieve the same with traditional models. Price: interpretability ] .right-column[ <img src="pics/pooh-parameters.png" width="864" /> ] --- # Non-continuous risk prediction <!-- --> ??? Ensemble + random forests Risk prediction Models --- class: inverse, middle, center # Where can ML play a critical role in CI? --- # Estimating causal effects with ML `$$\mathbb{E}(Y | A, X) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 A + \beta_2 X$$` --- # Estimating causal effects with ML `$$\mathbb{E}(Y | A, X) = \text{"ML"}$$` -- Average Treatment Effect (ATE) `$$\mathbb{E}_X [ \mathbb{E}(Y | A=1, X) - \mathbb{E}(Y | A=0, X)]$$` with estimator `$$\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N [ \widehat{\mathbb{E}}(Y | A=1, X_i) - \widehat{\mathbb{E}}(Y | A=0, X_i)]$$` ??? We can think about defining our parameters more flexibly outside the context of a parametric model! --- # Machine Learning `\(g\)`-formula algorithm 1. Estimate `\(\mathbb{E}(Y | A, X)\)` using our machine learning tool. Even better: an ensemble tool 2. Set `\(A=1\)` for all observations and predict outcomes for all 3. Set `\(A=0\)` for all observations and predict outcomes for all `$$\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N [ \widetilde{\mathbb{E}}(Y | A=1, X_i) - \widetilde{\mathbb{E}}(Y | A=0, X_i)]$$` To interpret *causally* (average causal treatment effect) we still need the standard causal assumptions *and* proper models. --- # Causal discovery / structure learning *Let the DAG be given ...* Use ML to discover causal relationships from observational data. PC algorithm identifies conditional independencies among the variables. --- # PC algorithm Input: .yellow[a set of variables]. Output: .yellow[*completed partially directed acyclic graph*] (CPDAG). Assumptions: * The set of observed variables is sufficent * All common causes present in the dataset * Extensions that account for latent variables do exist! * The distribution of the observed variables is faithful to a DAG .caption-right-vertical[Spirtes & Glymour (1991). *An algorithm for fast recovery of sparse causal graphs*. Social Science Computer Review.] --- # PC algorithm 2 There is an edge `\(A − Y\)` if and only if `\(A\)` and `\(Y\)` are dependent conditional on every possible subset of the other variables. `\(A \perp Y\)`? `\(A \perp Y | X\)`? `\(A \perp Y | M\)`? `\(A \perp Y | X, M\)`? Number of tests? Prone to statistical mistakes? ML for (conditional) independence testing? Time? -- After skeleton: Orient triplets `\(X − Y − Z\)` as `\(X \rightarrow Y \leftarrow Z\)` *iff* `\(X\)` and `\(Z\)` are dependent conditional on every set containing `\(Y\)`. **Or use additional information** --- background-image: url(pics/paper.png) background-size: 80% class: bottom Use *temporal information* to help orient edges (Temporal PC). --- # Metropolit Cohort * Danish men born in 1953. Followed from birth until 65 yo. * Surveys at age 12 and 51. Extensive administrative register data from the Danish national registers. `\(N = 2928\)`. * Consider 33 variables measured in 5 periods over the life course: birth, childhood (age approximately 12), youth (age 18-30), adulthood (age approximately 51), and early old age (age approximately 65). * Outcome: clinical depression. .caption-right-vertical[Osler et al. *Cohort profile: the Metropolit 1953 Danish male birth cohort.* International Journal of Epidemiology] --- background-image: url(pics/result.png) background-size: 70% --- # Summary No inherent benefits for ML wrt causal inference. Useful in *combination* with existing framework(s) for causal inference. But no free lunch. * Machine learning provides a useful alternative/addendum to modeling. * Ideas in ML force us out of the old go-to techniques. * Improved algorithms can perhaps make approaches feasible. -- We still need to **think**. Field-knowledge is ever-more crucial.