class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lessons learned from becoming a public communicator of statistics and research results during the Covid 19 epidemic ### Claus Thorn Ekstrøm
UCPH Biostatistics
] ### Feb 2nd, 2022
--- class: animated, fadeIn layout: true --- background-image: url(pics/claus-young.jpg) background-size: 90% # Background --- background-image: url(pics/covid19.png) background-size: 100% # Covid 19 --- # Dissecting the Danish statistician * Background in maths / engineering * Academia (10%) / Industry (75%) / Research groups (10%) / Finance (5%) --- # Dissecting the Danish statistician * Background in maths / engineering * Academia (10%) / Industry (75%) / Research groups (10%) / Finance (5%) * Research designs? * Almost no application experience * NO research communication * NO experience in talking to researchers from other fields --- class: middle, center, inverse # What will happen to us? --- # The SIR model ![](csp2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png)<!-- --> --- # The SIR model ![](csp2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png)<!-- --> --- class: middle, center, inverse # Face masks --- background-image: url(pics/mask2.jpg) background-size: 100% # DANMASK study .pull-left[ The **face mask** group .center[1.8%]] .pull-right[ The **no face mask** group .center[2.1%]] <br> *"The between-group difference was −0.3 percentage points (95% CI, .yellow[−1.2 to 0.4 percentage point]; P = 0.38)"* --- class: inverse, middle, center # Lessons learned --- # Tips 1. Decide on the role *you* want to play 2. Ask what your role is supposed to be? 3. Try to keep control. 4. Know the journalist's workflow and deadlines. 5. Build a network. 6. Prepare one-liners and punch-lines. 7. Document what **isn't** published 8. Mistakes 9. Dance --- background-image: url(pics/why.png) background-size: 40% # What role do you want to play? <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> What are you comfortable with? It is okay to say no. ??? Why are you engaging with the media? --- # What role are you asked to play? Your first question to a journalist should be > *Is this for background? For quotes? To prep me for an interview?* Second question should be > *Have you planned any particular role for me?* -- **Beware** if the story is already written > "... and that is why we shouldn't eat concrete" says professor X. --- background-image: url(pics/book.jpg) background-size: 100% # Try to keep control .pull-left[Require that you get quotes back for verification.] .pull-right[Ask to see questions if possible before interview.] <br><br><br> Okay to say that something is outside your field. <br> Keep a little black notebook handy --- # Know the journalist's workflow and deadlines. Journalists' have deadlines too. And some make **news** ... -- ... **today**. Pick up the phone. Answer back. Ask about deadlines. Keep agreements. --- # Build a network of good media contacts Find out who is "fun to play with". -- Nurse these contacts Prep your network contacts in advance * Own research * Upcoming reports --- # Prepare one-liners and punch-lines. You cannot list all the caveats ... > *"The effects could either be 1.2 pp in one direction or 0.4 pp in the other direction. We simply don't know yet"* > *"Large uncertainty intervals aren't useless. They tell us that we don't know ... "* > *Better to know we have an uncertain estimate than wrongly believing too much in one.* --- # Also document what **isn't** published Get credit for *all* you're doing. Easy to list press clippings, interviews on tv, ... The proudest moments are the stories no one will see --- background-image: url(pics/oops.jpg) background-size: 100% # Mistakes will be made <br><br><br> You **will** make mistakes. That is okay. Own up to them. People like that. Your colleagues will poke fun at you ... -- ... but they are not the ones daring to get media time. --- background-image: url(pics/dance.jpg) background-size: 100% class: middle, center It will be fun. It will be ugly. It will be slightly out of control. -- # Dance! ??? If you have decided to enter the dance floor you dance.