The list of talks and presentations is far from complete but any slides uploaded will be listed here.
- Validation of visual inference methods in statistics by use of deep learning
Seminar, Data Science Institute, University of Miami, 2021
- predict(DSTS, n.ahead=50)
Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics, 2021
- The war against p values in research
Danish Cancer Society, 2021
- For whom ML tolls
Danish Epidemiological Society Annual Meeting, 2021
- Bayesian Decision Theory
Statistical Summit, Lundbeck, 2021
- Clean up your data screening process with dataReporter
Why R conference, 2020
- The war against p values in medical research
Young Statisticians Denmark, 2020
- The war against p values in research
The National Research Center for Work Environment, November, 2019
- xaringan shenanigans
Copenhagen R useRs, September, 2019
- The war against p values in medical research
IFSV, September, 2019
- Moment-based Estimation of Mixtures of Regression Models and their Application in Genetic Studies
JSM, Denver, July 2019
- Fast detection of unmeasured GxE and GxG interactions using distribution-free assumptions
Biostatistics, University of Michigan, March 2019
Statistisk modellering og regressionsanalyse og Konfidensintervaller og vurdering af estimaters usikkerhed
Hobro gymnasium, March, 2019
- The mathematics of overdiagnosis
CACHET Fall Seminar 2018, Technical University of Copenhagen, November 2018
- Heritability - the good, the bad and the ugly
Psychiatric reaserch ceter, Psychiatric Centre Copenhagen, November 2018
- Lessons learned from predicting the 2018 FIFA World Cup results
Technische Universität, Dortmund, November 2018
- Statistisk modellering og regressionsanalyse
Institut for Matematiske Fag, Aalborg Universitet, October 2018
- Sequential rank agreement methods for comparison of ranked lists
Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, October 2018
- Study the environment - it’s good for your genes
Two-day meeting, Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics, Copenhagen, October 2018
- Big data - the inevitable problem with overdiagnosis.
Preventing overdiagnosis conference, Copenhagen, August 2018.
- Using
for large-scale genome-studies in the presence of GxE and GxG interaction.
useR, Brisbane, July, 2018.
- Seven Deadly Sins of Data Science.
IntelligentCloud conference, Copenhagen, 2018.
Predicting the winner of the 2018 FIFA World Cup predictions.
eRum conference, Budapest, 2018.
- Sparse penalization for non-hierarchical interactions.
JSM, Baltimore, August, 2017.
- Show me the errors you didn’t look for!
useR conference, Bruxelles, 2017.
- Reproducible research. What are we doing and how can we improve?
Conference for Department of Public Health, UCPH, 2017
- Sequential Rank Agreement Methods for Comparison of Ranked Lists.
ENAR, Washington, March 13, 2017.
- Integrative data analysis of the Danish registries.
University of Michigan, March 10th, 2017
- Show me the data you didn’t consider! Reducing unknown unknowns in data science.
Ann Arbor R User group meeting, Ann Arbor, March 9th, 2017
Show me the data you didn’t consider! Reducing unknown unknowns in data science.
Data Science Day 2017, Microsoft Denmark, January 30th, 2017
Statistisk sparring og samarbejdsmuligheder på KU.
Gruppen af Yngre Forskere, Rigshospitalet, December 8th, 2016